Why Spending A Little Extra On Your Hot Tub Makes Sense January 18,2022.
If you look at enough hot tubs you will likely come across two that seem to be almost identical, yet one costs thousands of dollars less that the other. In this scenario the obvious thing to do is to purchase the cheaper one, right? I mean if both hot tubs are the same size and have 30 jets, a 4HP pump and built-in LED lights, why wouldn’t you save $2000-$3000 and get the cheaper one? But if you look a little closer you will find that they have some major differences. These differences include:

Component Quality
Simply put, the cheaper the hot tub is to buy, the cheaper the components that were used to build it.

It’s no surprise to anyone that cheaper components will break more easily than quality components. Spending a little more on a hot tub can therefore save you from spending a ton of money on repairs.


Cheap hot tub manufacturers will often promote very long warranties (we’ve seen them as high as 30 years!). If you look at the warranty card, however, you will notice that these warranties only cover the structural integrity of the hot tub shell. Other components (like pumps, jets, plumbing etc) are typically only covered anywhere between 1 year to 30 days. Some don’t even include labour in the warranties; only offering free parts and charging you their full labour fee!

Less insulation

Less energy efficient equipment.
One of the biggest differences between good hot tub equipment (pumps, heater etc) and cheap hot tub equipment is their energy efficiency. Simply put, quality equipment draws less power than cheap equipment; saving you money.

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